
A meeting of minds and paintbrushes..

About Jaymie…

Jaymie O’Callaghan by Dee Andrews

Artist/ Illustrator from Surrey.
I’m a blogger over at By Jaymie and owner of the shop ‘By Jaymie Jewellery’ which I am currently re-branding and broadening. I’m a part time sales girl (not a fan) and a full time creative (a massive fan) trying to pursue a career as an illustrator or within a more creative industry. I am also eager to get into becoming a teachers assistant at a primary school and hope to gain some experience at the school my brother teaches at very soon.

I’m self taught and motivated I guess you could say, as I don’t have a degree in illustrating. I studied for a year at university… let’s call me a ‘fashion school dropout’ it just wasn’t for me. I have a degree in foundation art and have been drawing since I was very little. it’s a real love and passion of mine, I’ve pretty much always been know for it. I’m currently working hard on my portfolio of work, commissions, illustrated jewellery and now made from the stars collaboration, so I’m a pretty busy beaver right now. I am also part of a collective of artist illustrators called Edit! and we hope to exhibit early next year in London.

Within my artwork I love pastel colours, smudgy ink, drippy lines and charcoal for my more expressive or realistic pieces. I also work a lot in pencil, watercolour and permanent art graphic pens. I’m definitely a mixed media kind of girl! I’ve completed work for Untried Magazine, Nothingbad mag, Amelia’s Magazine, Love Illustrated project on Oh My Darling, Illustrated various bloggers and had my illustration of the folk band 10 o’clock horses used for their promotional advertisement and CD cover.


Artist(s)? I’m a huge fan of Oliver Jeffers, Caitlin Shearer and Giselle Scanlon, to name but a few.

Films?  Some classics which I’ve loved since I was about 4 and still a firm favourites of mine are Labyrinth and Edward Scissor hand. I love films and have to many to mention…  but I’ll give you The Notebook and Scott Pilgrim VS the World as well.

Music/ bands? Foster The People, The Smiths, She & Him, Mystery Jets, Belle & Sebastian, Nirvana.

Books? The pact, One Day and A Boy Called It.

Place? New York! I’ve been twice and it is has such a buzz, it’s electric. My ambition is to one day live and work there.

Season?  Autumn, Winter. As soon as I can start to layer up, drinking hot drinks, putting up christmas decorations – It’s my favourite time of year! I love Christmas.

Food? Mexican or Vegeterian Sushi!

What inspires you? So much inspires me… anything and everything!  Other illustrators, fashion, music, people, nature. You name it!

When you’re not drawing or working what else do you love to do?  I love making jewellery, watching films and going to the cinema, spending days in london or baking cakes.

What’s the piece of work you are most proud of?  My Edward Scissor hands portrait or my Twiggy illustrations with the intricate 60s style pattern background, mainly because it takes SO long to do.

About Dee…

Who are we?  Here’s the first of our posts about us – starting with Dee..!

Dee Andrews by Jaymie O’Callaghan

Hi!  I’m Dee, and I’m an illustrator who focuses mainly on fashion.  I have a degree in Fashion Illustration from LCF and I previously studied Fine Art.  In my illustrations I use pencil and watercolour to create fluid, spontaneous drawings.  I’m just starting out as a freelance illustrator and am trying to build up some clients, and do some interesting projects.

I have worked at Disney, Upper 5th, Elizabeth Lau, have illustrated for Amelia’s Magazine, Lira Leirner, Fashion Foie Gras, Sarahs Scribbles and Bunnipunch.

Here are some interesting facts about me:  I have a pet rabbit called Luna who sits with me while I draw, I learned flute up to Grade 5 (Although I can’t remember any of it now), I’ve been to Graceland (uh huh, huh), the first ever gig I went to was Rammstein, I work at Paperchase part-time and I absolutely love being at work, I collect socks (really), and I have ‘Mischief Managed’ tattooed on my wrists.

Some interview questions so you can get to know me better:


Artist(s)? My favourite illustrator/artist is David Downton.  His illustrations are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

Films?  Favourite films.. Harry Potter of course.  I also love ‘Into the Wild’ and Guy Ritchie films.

Music/ bands? Muse, Muse, Muse and.. Muse.  I love them.  I listen to all music though, so Ludovico Einaudi is my second favourite 🙂

Books? Harry Potter!!

Place? Seattle.  It was an amazing place to be – I met so many amazing people, and heard so much incredible music!

Season?  Autumn – I love getting jumpers and boots out again.  (I’m also an October baby)

Food? Pasta.  Every time.

What inspires you?  Everything!  Other illustrators, seasons, fashion, music, food.  There’s no end to it!

When you’re not drawing or working what else do you love to do?  I love to travel, and to go driving.  I love my car – she’s called Cherry.

What’s the piece of work you are most proud of?  My shoes that are on the front page of my website.  I get so much good feedback from them.